Monday, June 23, 2014

Sunday, June 22, 2014: The Burrow

8:06 pm
Today was, no doubt, a very successful day. This morning, George and I woke up early to play Monopoly. It was a very tight match, and we ended up not finishing before bedtime that night. More on that next post.

This morning we went to an ancient barrow (a narrow tomb [with giant spiders, might I add]) and then to ice cream and to a pub called the Fox and Badger for lunch. I got chips (which is what they call fries in the UK), and crisps (what they call chips in the UK) and then we set off for the Bath Sports & Leisure Center to swim for two whole hours.

Me on top of the barrow
Me in front of the Fox & Badger
The view from the barrow
 Oh, you should have been there. There was a big pool and a small pool (the big pool was freezing and the small pool was warm, so you might guess where we chose to hang out) and then there were the waterslides.

One big and one small - that's how they do everything, isn't it? The big one was longer (obviously) but the smaller one was wider and could take two (or even three) people. Each one of them ended with a splash (literally). The smaller one actually landed in the pool, and the bigger one ended in a tiny space, full of water, next to the lifeguard's chair.

As I said before, it was a very successful day. So successful that we're going to bed early, and we're about to hear the story for tonight. Whoops, it's started. Here we go!

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